Well, when you write, you do it with so much conviction and I can literally feel the weight of what you’re holding when I read it Sherry Kappel.
You. Move. Me
Yes, times are hard, I cannot and will not accept any of this as okay.
New Zealand is our neighbour, my best friend is a kiwi and her family home is in Christchurch. We both had a lengthy conversation that ended with “I love you, I never say that enough”.
While we pull together, much like the Muslim community, I’m so sad, because if history is anything to go by? The tensions will only increase.
My only hope is that we as humans can somehow recognise what terrorism truly is (which in my opinion is the absolute division of humans which is based on race or religion and fuelled purely by hate) put all differences aside and start salvaging what is left of hope.
I’m so done with all of this.
My boss said her daughter read this on the Internet and relayed it to her:
Imagine picking up a box of coloured pencils, then imagine hating that pencil because you didn’t like that colour?
If that doesn’t do something to the insides of you? I don’t know what will.