Wildflower here, stepping in with my two cents.
I am but a tiny bleep here on Medium these days, if I could be half as productive as you I would be grateful! — this is a total compliment by the way.
I can totally understand where this slight change of thought occurred for you, sadly, it happened to me too. As soon as I could “earn money” for my writing here, shit changed. I thought it was all in my head? the proof is in the pudding for me, which of late? tastes like it has too much flour and not enough butter.
I want my chocolate sauce back!
I don’t think this is particularly helpful, but for what it is worth? I get it.
I have decided I’m staying, but my muse is pissed too, so I’m going to step away from the pressure of “earning” for a bit.
Keep writing, the world is forever changing, it is hard to keep up. But, keep writing anyway.