Hey Laura Johnson,
I am also a slow writer, some of my work sits with me for months before I finish it. I sometimes look at the rate and quality of other writers and sink back into to my box. Over the years I have come to the conclusion I’m a cathartic writer. Sometimes I think I lack committment, but mostly I just don’t like forcing it. For what it’s worth? Reviewing and itemizing my work, at one point, did help me reach more people.
I have been curated once (I think) and this was before claps. Four years here,too. It used to be just one heart if you liked the piece, I loved that concept. But now we got the clap and I’m embracing, despite the STI giggle ;)
I’m now yammering (I think) excuse the aussie ignorance.
My point is, I enjoy your work, I’m sorry you’ve lost part of your income and I look forward to reading you. You’re bloody brilliant woman! Don’t let the creepy fears get you. They’re just mega creeps.
All the ❤❤❤.